Legal notice


1. Company technical data and contact information

  Information on the website owner

  • Corporate name: Autoridad Portuaria de A Coruña
  • Tax ID No.: Q-1567003-G
  • Corporate address: Avenida de la Marina 3, 15001 A Coruña
  • Telephone no.: (+34) 981.21.96.21
  • E-mail address:

The Port Authority of A Coruña is a public body under the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility that is responsible for managing the public port domain and maritime signage of the Port of A Coruña and the Outer Port of Punta Langosteira. It is governed by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011, of 5 September, approving the revised text of the State Ports and Mercantile Marine Act.


2. Purpose

These terms and conditions govern the use of the Website that the Owner makes available to users. They may be altered without prior notice, especially when making an effective use of the products and services.

3. Conditions of Access and Use

Access to the website is free and confers on those who use it the status of User. They may have access to the contents and even contact its administrators.
Users must therefore read, understand and accept these conditions of use before browsing and/or using the services, which implies the express acceptance and adherence to them under the terms and conditions shown below: i) A commitment to the diligent use of the resources, in strict compliance with current legislation, with respect for decency and “netiquette”, i.e., the set of norms for overall behaviour on the Internet; ii) Users accept the terms and conditions or the bases for participating in a service, when necessary, which will be explicitly required in that case, and; iii) They may not make use of the Website outside the terms accepted by these conditions of use, specifically for purposes that are illegal, contrary to morality or public order in any of its expressions, or constitute a crime.

Similarly, in the event that comments or the expression of opinions are permitted, the Owner will not be held liable under any circumstances for the opinions proffered by third parties, although it reserves the right to remove and even not to post those that are offensive or inappropriate or, failing this, when it has effective knowledge of the content of what was posted.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The Owner holds all the rights to the Website, its logos, structure, images and elements that constitute the object code, such as the programming and engineering of the source code. All these elements, as well as the publications included, are protected by Spanish and European intellectual and industrial property regulations.

Any reproduction, adaptation, modification or public communication of all or part of the contents of the Website, when carried out in any manner or using any medium, mechanical, manual or other, is prohibited without the express authorisation of the Owner.
Any link made to the Website must lead to the home page and it is forbidden to make deep links or any link leading to other content other than that mentioned. Similarly, it is prohibited to implement navigation in frames.

5. Personal Data Protection.

The Owner has adopted all security measures, both technical and organisational, required by the legislation on data protection, more specifically Spanish Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and European Regulation 2016/679 on Data Protection.

All information in this regard can be found in the section entitled Privacy Policy.

6. Legislation and Applicable Jurisdiction.

These General Terms and Conditions are subject to Spanish law and any disputes shall be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the city of A Coruña, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that might correspond.